Saturday, January 12, 2013

What is RESENTMENT exactly?

The definition of "resentment" is a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury.

Hmmm well lets apply that more personally than the generic definition you will find in the dictionary.  What is resentment exactly?  Think about the last time you resented someone; a parent, friend, lover, teacher and/or boss.  What exactly were you feeling?  Was it betrayal maybe?  If it was betrayal, betrayal of what?

See I think it's fair to say that at some point in time with our interaction with the individuals that you resent you had an idea of who they were and what they would do.  Let's call it the "fantasy" of them, meaning YOUR idea of who they are and what they will and will not do.  The resentment is clearly the holding on to the"fantasy" of who this person is in your head.  With resentment you have not allowed this person to be who they are.  Yes they said this and yes they said that but you are in control of what you accept in your head to be who this person is.  When you fully accept someone to be who they are without your idea of who they are you release the resentment!  Learn how to see people through clear lens and not one that is fogged with your expectations, ideas, beliefs, or projections.  Remember expectations are premeditated resentments.

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