Sunday, March 11, 2012


You belong to me, I belong to them….That line ran through my mind over a thousand times. I held onto one pillow, ironically we never grab two, always one pillow to hold. Was this a true representation of my own life? I could only have one, him or them. He wanted my heart, he wanted to love me, he wanted to be with me,… forever he said. How? I have an assignment. This assignment requires a lot from me so much of me that anyone in my personal space could possibly become jealous. You belong to me but I do belong to them.

I am a voice for a nation of people. I am a reason for many people. I am hope for a group of people. I come to offer pieces of freedom for people emotionally caged and in bondage. I have to save the world. I have to do my assignment. In order to be rated leading in my performance evaluation I must share my stories. What was once secrets and of privacy for me must now become public information. The thought of embarrassment is far from my mind, but he says if they have all of this from you what do I get from you? He belongs to me but I belong to them, who do I let win?

Why the very last thing we do is the very first thing we should do….PRAY! I asked God what do I do? Will I be alone? Will there ever be anyone that can handle being by my side while I try to heal the world through words. Is it truly a “You vs. Them” situation? I have to choose either the love of my life or saving the world? God spoke very clear to me and said the one I have created for you is built to handle what I sent you to do and he would be all you need him to be.

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