Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Just For Tonight!

Loneliness lied to the left of me and all my emotional disconnections lied on the right.  I held onto loneliness tonight feeling more empty than I did before we embraced.  However, here I was.  This was my place tonight.  This was my position.

For a moment I rolled over to emotions I once felt that were now disconnected from me. I remember love.  I remember smiling because of him. I remember pillow talk and watching him walk to the bathroom.  Sexiness in motion.  I didn't forget his pain.  I didn't neglect his poison, Was this the fate of every encounter I was suppose to have? Love to pain?

I needed something tonight.  It was raining, slightly cold yet you could feel a certain amount of heat from my vents.  Yet something was missing.  Companionship ran back and forth through my mind.  It danced, played, imitated musical notes from everything that spelled happiness. 

I was okay with being by myself except for the nights when it wasn't okay to be by myself.  I wanted tonight like nights I've had before.  I wanted the kind of night I saw on TV on a B Movie that was really good but didn't make it to the Big Screen.  I wanted tonight like the song the underground artist sings as she carry her EP in her backpack for sell after her open mic performances.

I wanted to be free in emotion with companionship tonight.  I wanted to smile at he and he whisper to me. I wanted love just for tonight!

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