Tuesday, May 28, 2013

HIV STATUS (Ranking Better Than You)

It amazes me the inner need to feel better than the next person in this shallow ass African American gay culture. We have taken a virus and the diagnosis of or lack of as an opportunity to "show your better." Its beautiful to get tested and be negative I completely understand that feeling. The issue is when we take that negative status and raise it above someone's head as if you are better than someone who is pos. Let's be clear we are all one fuck or blowjob away from contracting the virus so you should be more compassionate with your insensitive asses. I've seen on Adam and Jackd how people are like HIV neg only and just because someone posted it on their profile doesn't mean they are but what kills me is that you do what you do because you read something. I treat everybody like their humans not a status. For those who are POS and out and get on this judgmental platform FB and try to encourage people to be safe and if someone is positive to be encouraged. I think that courage and love for people is so God like and beautiful. However, I feel some people need to humble themselves. God has the best jokes so be careful how you treat people.

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